My Tech
here are the technical details behind my platform
and what I can do as a developer.
- WordPress / PHP
- React / Vue / ES6 / jQuery / Javascript
- Sass / Less / CSS
- Webpack / Babel / Yarn / Bower / Gulp / Grunt
- Twig / Backbone
- NPM / Composer
- Git / SVN
- Vagrant / Docker for local development
- Adobe PhotoShop, XD, and Illustrator
- Figma
- Sketch
- InVision
- Balsamiq
- LucidChart
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / Linux / Apache / MySQL
- AWS Services such as EC2, Cloudfront, S3, Route 53, Lambda, and many more.
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Mobile-first development
- Block Element Modifier (BEM)
- Agile workflow
- Accessibility
- Dynamic over Static Gutenberg blocks
- Yoast SEO (Premium)
- Google Analytics / Google Optimize AB Testing
- AWS CloudWatch, SNS
- Fathom Analytics
- Various social platform integrations
The Platform broken down:
The various components to the platform are named after some of my favorite Anime characters. All of this code is open-sourced on my BitBucket.
The starting point for every project, the scaffold contains a script that when run will rename, pull in all necessary plugins, configure the initial asset build of the new project, and will lastly create a new repository in the destination of choice (in my case its BitBucket).
The backend plugin that contains all backend core theme or generic PHP logic. For example, various models such as Post, Page, or DTO can be found in this plugin. You would also find any generic controller logic, such as a FactoryController to register new custom post types.
The frontend plugin that contains all frontend core theme or generic javascript or css code. For example, the core stylings for headings, buttons and images can be found in this plugin. Another example would be a javascript file (object) that contains viewport methods like isInViewport().
The Gutenberg block plugin that contains all frontend and backend code that is specific to generic Gutenberg blocks. An example of this would be the PostCard component. All frontend and backend files for the PostCard component reside within this plugin.
The Platform Specifics:
- WordPress Gutenberg (PHP) [5.7+: “Esperanza”]
- ES6 / React / Webpack / Babel / Sass
- FieldManager for custom fields
- NPM for front end package management
- Composer for plugin management
- Docker for local development
- AWS / DigitalOcean for web hosting